Focus on Climate Change
in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver
Tackling Climate Change
with Hope
A Children’s Author Presents
This will be an indoor event cohosted by Wild About and the B.C. Literacy Council of the International Literacy Association. The goal is to find an author able to shine a light on hopeful ways for Vancouverites to learn, live and act in the climate crisis.
Environmental Literacy in the Park
A session for young children and families in the East side of Vancouver to develop background knowledge and build a more library of children’s books about ecosystems, biodiversity and sustainability. Young children and their families will explore these topics through a lens of environmental literacy.
Cohosted by Wild About Outdoor Learning, United for Literacy, the B.C. Council of the International Literacy Association and SongWorks.
In the Footsteps of a Park Ranger
Cohosted by Wild About, Vancouver Parks and Recreation Park Rangers in Stanley Park and B.C. Literacy Council of International Literacy Association.
One Saturday in June’24, community members will be invited to the Park Ranger kiosk by the Second Beach pool and concession stand. Rangers will take share information about ecosystems and biodiversity in the park and take participants on a guided walk.
The B.C. Literacy Council of the International Literacy will provide outdoor learning activities focused on water and sustainability, environmental and climate change books for draw prizes for participants of a Park Ranger walk and a draw for two ILA memberships for teacher participants.
Learning at Lighthouse Park: ProD for Educators
A session for educators cohosted by Wild About and the Institute of Environmental Learning on the 2nd Friday in June 2024 (tentative date). Dr. David Zandvliet will be leading the charge in what promises to be a worthwhile day of learning.
Be a Better Birdwatcher
A session for secondary students and adults wanting to learn about birds and conservation issues. Sponsored by Wild About and Community Birding Group members.