Wav Logonew

Tidal WAV

Tidal WAV  (Wild About Vancouver) Outdoor Festival

The Tidal WAV  (Wild About Vancouver) Outdoor Festival is an annual free public event offering practical suggestions to get preschoolers, children and adults outdoors in their local community more regularly.  It has been going strong since it first started in 2015 as a grassroots movement.  

It is also an opportunity for Vancouverites to network with outdoor educators, people engaged in caring for the environment, and people who want to #getOUTdoors and #getINvolved  

The TidalWAV (Wild About Vancouver Outdoor Learning Festival) has taken many forms over the years. It has been celebrated as a large outdoor festival in Stanley Park / Second Beach /  Ceperley Park, close to Science World and Tatlow Park. Some years it has taken the form of outdoor festivals at schools in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver with outdoor activities, experiential learning and networking events. Last year a couple schools in Burnaby came together to raise butterflies in their classroom and plant pollinator gardens. 

Due to its success and a call to expand to other communities in British Columbia, WAV morphed into The Wild About Outdoor Learning Society. Our goal is to create an inclusive sense of community in Vancouver that welcomes the diverse members of our city as valued supporters, participants and leaders in outdoor activity and action to sustain and improve the environment.  With increased organization and funding, we are striving for reconciliation, justice, equity and inclusion of our local populations and indigenous partners on whose ancestral lands we host our events.  

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