Submitted by: Hannah Hobbs
Grade level: ece,elementary
Core Competencies: communication,creative-thinking,critical-thinking,positive-personal-and-cultural-identity,social-responsibility
Subject Disciplines: earth-science-and-space-science,indigenous-education,language-arts,outdoor-education
Approaches to Learning: Respect, Reflection, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Appreciating diversity, creative thinking
Approaches to Teaching: Environment as the third teacher, image of the child, observations and documentation
Responsibilities as Outdoor Educators:
Ensuring the safety of children
Respect for Indigenous land and peoples
Safety aspects: Discuss knowing our physical limits- when climbing, a teacher can help climbing down but not up.
Session outline:
Play ‘The Cedar Tree’by Audrey Siegl in Musqueam Language
Children guess what it might be.
Tell children it is a language. Children guess what it might be saying and/or who might speak this language by using the pictures.
Briefly tell children about Musqueam people and then read ‘The Cedar Tree’ in English
Whole group discussion- what did we find out about the Musqueam people? Why might we be learning about them? Guide children towards the uses of the Cedar Tree.
Children have thinking time about what a tree/stick means to them. Examples may include; a tree is a climbing frame, a tree is an oxygen maker, a stick is a wand, a stick is a horse.
Teacher to create a poem of the children’s ideas. A stick is… or a tree is….
Read the completed poem to the children
Nature walk through Pacific Spirit Park. Teacher to observe and document via Seesaw (or similar learning journal).
As a group discuss their nature walk experience. What else is made of wood that we use? Do you think Musqueam children use(d) sticks/trees in a similar way to you?