Story of the inanimate

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Submitted by: Marie-Ève Dupuis
Grade level: elementary
Core Competencies: communication,creative-thinking
Subject Disciplines: english


Camera, Paper and pencil


Have you ever wonder what that huge tree seen in its life? Or what that rock experienced to get there? Time isn’t the same for everything/everyone. This task invites you to change your perspective and give voice to element or things that are usually silenced.

You will create a journal from an unusual perspective. Observe, feel, smell during 3 distinct moments but always keeping in mind the same object (for lack of better word).

Option 1: 3 entries during 3 different moments during the day.
Option 2: 3 entries during 3 different days

  1. Walk in the neighbourhood to find/ connect to an object of the landscape. Can be a plant, a tree, a rock, a twig, a mushroom, a bench …
    • The element chosen need to be on site for more than one day. 

2) Take a picture of it in its surroundings. Brainstorm some ideas of what your object could think, say at that precise moment. Get inspiration from what you observe and feel around you.

3) From the ideas you gathered, write your journal entry like if it is the object writing.

4) Redo step 2 and 3 according to the option you chose. (2 more times)

5) Present your journal entries in combination of the pictures you took.
You can use genially, voice tread, crayons…


The entries  represent a perspective specific to the element chosen. 

Texts are  link to features in the picture and and to the moment the entries were made.

The entries are link together.

Student is demonstrating knowledge of the language.

The student used creativity to present his work.


This task was adapted from journaling task to be done during a camping trip to guide the students in living their experience in a different perspective.

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