Life Cycles of the Bog

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Submitted by: Hannah Hobbs
Grade level: ece,elementary
Core Competencies: critical-thinking,positive-personal-and-cultural-identity,social-responsibility
Subject Disciplines: earth-science-and-space-science,outdoor-education


This lesson is designed to be used with the Pacific Spirit Park EcoKit.


Suggested location: Camosun Bog, Pacific Spirit Park


Approaches to Learning: Impulse control, solving problems, evaluating, teamwork, critical thinking


Approaches to Teaching: Based on inquiry, child-led, environment as the third teacher, observation.


Responsibilities as Outdoor Educators:


  • Respect our learning environment, ask permission to use the bog

  • Discuss the boardwalk with children

  • Talk about the sensitivity of the sphagnum moss and why we don’t walk on it

  • Remind children where we can/cannot walk

  • Safety around water (duck pond)


Safety aspects:

  • Remind children how to safely use the boardwalk

  • Discuss safety around water 


Session outline:


Read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle. 


  • Elicit the stages the caterpillar went through

  • Draw and use models as the children come up with the stages.

  • Has anyone seen a caterpillar, butterfly, cocoon, egg before? Where have you seen them before? Make connections to humans. What is the difference between teacher and child? Does anyone have an older/younger sibling? What other life cycles of animals do you know about?

  • Group children into pairs/threes and hand them the frog cycle models. Children work together to order the stages of the frog.

  • Gallery walk- have children move around and view other groups ideas.

  • Conclude and discuss as a group their ideas and reasoning. What other animals have similar/different life cycles? What animals might we find in the bog?

  • Nature walk around the bog’s boardwalk looking closely for evidence of a butterfly or frog life cycle. Children may find or hear other animals during this time.

  • Finish the session by reading ‘Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman. Elicit all the animals the frog encounters in the bog.

  • Further learning-children go home and inquire and learn about the cycle of an animal of their choice. Perhaps they may choose an animal from the ‘Frog in a Bog’ book. 


Session resources: 

  • ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle

  • Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman

  • Butterfly lifecycle models

  • Frog lifecycle models

  • Big paper and pens


Resources for Educators: 


Pre-read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle and ‘Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman

Pacific Spirit Park Society Bog Kit

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