Submitted by: Hannah Hobbs
Grade level: ece,elementary
Core Competencies: critical-thinking,positive-personal-and-cultural-identity,social-responsibility
Subject Disciplines: earth-science-and-space-science,outdoor-education
This lesson is designed to be used with the Pacific Spirit Park EcoKit.
Suggested location: Camosun Bog, Pacific Spirit Park
Approaches to Learning: Impulse control, solving problems, evaluating, teamwork, critical thinking
Approaches to Teaching: Based on inquiry, child-led, environment as the third teacher, observation.
Responsibilities as Outdoor Educators:
Respect our learning environment, ask permission to use the bog
Discuss the boardwalk with children
Talk about the sensitivity of the sphagnum moss and why we don’t walk on it
Remind children where we can/cannot walk
Safety around water (duck pond)
Safety aspects:
Remind children how to safely use the boardwalk
Discuss safety around water
Session outline:
Read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle.
Elicit the stages the caterpillar went through
Draw and use models as the children come up with the stages.
Has anyone seen a caterpillar, butterfly, cocoon, egg before? Where have you seen them before? Make connections to humans. What is the difference between teacher and child? Does anyone have an older/younger sibling? What other life cycles of animals do you know about?
Group children into pairs/threes and hand them the frog cycle models. Children work together to order the stages of the frog.
Gallery walk- have children move around and view other groups ideas.
Conclude and discuss as a group their ideas and reasoning. What other animals have similar/different life cycles? What animals might we find in the bog?
Nature walk around the bog’s boardwalk looking closely for evidence of a butterfly or frog life cycle. Children may find or hear other animals during this time.
Finish the session by reading ‘Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman. Elicit all the animals the frog encounters in the bog.
Further learning-children go home and inquire and learn about the cycle of an animal of their choice. Perhaps they may choose an animal from the ‘Frog in a Bog’ book.
Session resources:
‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle
Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman
Butterfly lifecycle models
Frog lifecycle models
Big paper and pens
Resources for Educators:
Pre-read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ By Eric Carle and ‘Frog in a Bog’ by John Himmelman
Pacific Spirit Park Society Bog Kit