Tidal WAV 2020 – Suspended

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UPDATE Apr 3, 2020:

Due to COVID-19, WAV will not run as scheduled or planned in 2020.

For the moment, WAV will focus on collecting and cataloging materials and resources to support time spent outdoors for health/wellness, environmental ethics and practices and experiential learning that is profound and sticky.

If you have materials to share, please upload here

For background information on time spent outdoors during COVID-19, please read here.

Stay healthy, stay safe (practice physical distancing) and get outdoors and nourish yourself in the natural world.

Be well, the WAV team.



Hello from Wild About Vancouver,

At this point of the year, as always, WAV 2020 is still far out at sea… However, unlike year’s past, for WAV 2020 we have a date and location for the Tidal WAV event!

Friday May 29, 2020, at Second Beach in Stanley Park, Tidal WAV will occur! It will be an all day event that will be the culmination of WAV 2020, which begins Earth Day, April 22, 2020. Mark your calendars and please spread this news.

If you have been interested in WAV, want to learn more, come and join WAV! If you already are committed to support WAV 2020, we look forward to reconnecting! Perhaps you want to meet others involved in WAV….as there are many wonderfully un-WAV-ering supporters.

Whatever your interest may be, please come and join the WAV 2020 Steering Committee.

Everyone is welcome! Get INvolved, and get OUTdoors

WAV has some great partnerships for 2020, and seeks more partnerships.

If you have questions, please email: wildaboutvancouver@gmail.com

Thank you for your support for increased time spent outdoors.

For more information visit www.wildaboutvancouver.com

Waving out for now, Your 2020 WAV Steering Committee (so far…)

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